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Autocracy vs. fake. Almaz BraevЧитать онлайн книгу.

Autocracy vs. fake - Almaz Braev

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it clear that yes, we as the people recognize them as the elite, elected persons and authorized heirs of the bluest blood. That we don’t claim their places of honor. Let them have fun in their high tent. We do not impose on them as relatives and do not want to add to the court staff. Although these bosses love loyal people like dogs. Who wants success, let them make a loyal appearance. The contradiction of the traditional people can be solved very simply. So that other «relatives» do not look for a friend, and then a prop for a riot in the neighbors, the opposition and the violators of the brotherhood should be outlawed. Those who oppose the brotherhood cause chaos. They wants to catch a fish in muddy water. And in General, the dogs are better than oppositionists.

      Reason №2

      That post-kin people don’t know what friendship is, but they know what kinship is, we already know. Friendship is a soft phenomenon outside the generic hard field and categorical: friend – stranger, friend – enemy, good – bad. Therefore, the generic or post-generic fiction always strives to get away from the rigid coupling with relatives, to show who I am and who you are. Those who do not know friendship and did not know, he always wants to strengthen the lack of friendship, with relatives or people, there is no difference. Where there are people in General, friendship always comes first. Friendship or solidarity of rulers and so-called citizens. But where there are no citizens, simply because there is no friendship, but there is a blood relationship or post-relationship, as you want to call it, in General, there are no people who are friends with each other, there will be orders and dictates. You can’t make friends with your family. Then they will come and do nothing. Everyone will become idlers. All will come to rule and enrich themselves with their brothers, their relatives near and far. Others who are not directly related will insist that they are one people: «Ruler, why are you offending us?»

      And who is going to work? Most importantly, physical labor immediately becomes a lot of the lower classes, almost slaves. This is a different question, who works and who only eats.

      Chapter V

      You are a person!

      The propaganda you are a person. Where is it from? Why does the Eurasian understanding of the personality of a warrior hero and a convinced prophet and citizen differ from the merchant’s desire? To please whom? The hero wants to win, the merchant wants to please.

      The merchant does not care who is in front of him, his main desire is to sell his goods. Because of this, he will praise the freak that he is beautiful, the dullard that he is cool, the upstart that he is serious, and so on. If he buys a product, item, and clothing in his shop, he will leave very satisfied with himself. And the seller will forget this «identity».

      The European identity and human rights were born in the market, and the Eurasian hero and fighter in a fight, in the struggle.

      That’s why there is such a discrepancy. But European flattery is certainly close to a weak person, but proud. Many traditional people are very susceptible to flattery. Just take them with your bare hands after a couple of compliments. The European personality is a freebie that is picked up for free and goes to walk. And not just like that, but in front of everyone. The European personality, therefore, has an element of show, ostentation, speculation, hypocrisy, and all that is not liked in the Eurasian one. Isn’t that why the vanguard of «personalities» are perverts, psychopaths, moral freaks, vagabonds who received free money (oppositionists) and went berserk? If a person is also paid for, what kind of person is it?

      Market «personalities» of course like people with money. This is not necessarily the oligarchs, but the oligarchs in the first place. Market personalities scold corrupt officials. But not because they stole, but because other people pay them for shouting and denouncing corrupt officials. In General, it does not matter where the money comes from, it is important to expose and, if possible, on camera, so that you can see that they are individuals. That’s why many people started taking their own selfies, because the more a person likes himself, the more he is your client. Total clogging of the selfie network is an infection of the personality virus. At the bazaar. Where to buy and sell. Empty people, it is known, loves themselves most of all and runs to where the most empty people gather, empty of empty, but who is shown on the screen and say that this is a star. That’s why the stars of the screen and the stars, in general, have got mixed up and stellar completely empty liberals. But they slept with a minor, and sponsors (for the sponsors of any perversion – it is a fact that is more important than another fact). If uncles with money say that a person does things, it does not matter what value, and if this very person scolds the authorities – this is the most useful person.

      In a geopolitical confrontation in this way through a corrupt person the most important to finish off the Eurasian person like a prostitute. Anyone who is willing to sell out or give up in this way makes a conscious choice not out of conviction, but out of the calculation.

      Chapter VI

      Father of the people

      The traditional people are child people. If you know the child, it is easy to direct them. The opposition says that the autocrat was lucky with the people. This is at first glance. Any Ulugbek Khan, leader Trotsky or President of the Kyrgyz people Akayev can lose not only the country but also the people of the child. Any of them lose control of the people if will play the soft, wise rule. These are facts from history. Are the same Kazakhs at the level of the Soviet people of the 30s? And this is not a coincidence, because such a coincidence is dangerous for everyone. All of Central Asia consists of the traditional (zerefs) peoples. Even the Soviet government they met traditionally quietly, modestly, and not noticeably. Nothing has changed and nothing has changed even now. Everything just went back to normal today. Such a life such peoples have always had.

      In the meantime millions of traditional Kazakh people from the villages rushed to the big cities-administrative centers, where mostly non-Kazakhs lived, because the urban population was advanced (and newcomers looked them in the mouth, how all children look at their teachers at school). That’s what cities are for, so that students look into the mouths of teachers. A new culture has always been formed in cities. Although any person could then and today break out of the traditional village environment and move to the city. There you can learn and become the same authority for your relatives. No one was hurt. And looking in the mouth is a culture of almost filial deference. All traditional people look in the mouth to all authorities and teachers. It depends on education and discipline.

      Kazakhs were absorbed in urban life, Soviet urbanization, and now the market has literally swallowed them.

      And the Kazakhs, who are accustomed to answer only to their own kind, (before the clan, but not before the state – A. B) learn to answer, while only to their families. If you are lucky, the steppe people in the past and now are willing to invite you to their feasts. The lucky respected Kazakhs invite everyone to visit, this is normal. To show your high level. Traditional peoples have no other reason to invite guests. This is the culture. It’s a tradition to invite guests. One doesn’t interfere with the other.

      Finally, former nomads are afraid to lose, even they do not know what. The child is also afraid of getting lost. That is why many Kazakh Muslims say Shukur all the time, that is, they do not look for good from the good. So we’re good and we say Alla Shukur!

      This is still the level of prohibitions or the very first level of taboos.

      Not losing face is like not losing sheep. This is such a loss. That is why the steppe people in the past are not accustomed to any other type of responsibility, except for responsibility to their relatives, and now just acquaintances. But don’t show yourself to the rams and don’t show your status to the rams? (although of course this «responsibility» to friends and relatives is more like a show-off, show-offs in modern terms). So why doesn’t Yelbasy (or Putin in the North), who is lucky with the people (the people who are afraid

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