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Weathercocks. Zeremids. Almaz BraevЧитать онлайн книгу.

Weathercocks. Zeremids - Almaz Braev

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rule on behalf of the elite – that’s not the way to do it. They act on behalf of the state to merge with it. This is such an Asian focus. Petty bourgeois in the party or party petty-bourgeois – this does not happen. The Horde simply became a “party”. And who doesn’t want a clientele (yachts and pitchforks) at the party? Who does not know, he again confuses the door. Let human rights defenders deal with other people and their rights. Usually, these human rights defenders protect them from the state, from the arbitrariness of officials. From their party. Oh, these are big confusions! (You’ll laugh, but the local law enforcement “live” provincials, too. They don’t call the biggest party a Horde, they just call the Horde power, and they quietly hate “naturals”, consider them savages. But these are the rules of the game. Petty-bourgeois nationalists also play democracy, they have made a feeder out of it. And it is impossible to remove these Democrats from the air. They have grown into it. And the reason for this is democracy. They cannot be replaced by national cadres. National cadres or otherwise nurtured by independence are too timid and clogged, can easily talk only about the precepts of their ancestors and the seven tribes of relatives)

      No, the law is not above the public interest. The right is not higher than the elite – this is more correct. What a lot of officials have the right, if (horror of horrors!) fly out of the team (from the party, from the Horde?) You immediately become ordinary, simple, none. Under feudalism, it never occurred to any Seigneur that he levied a tally on behalf of the state. They represented the power of the monarch, the king, and his retinue. Everyone was given land, which was cultivated by his property – serfs. “I am the state,” the absolute monarch once said, and he was right. Societies under feudalism are an elite built on the type of vassalage, clan, and commitment to the monarch. The monarchy is based on the family, so the whole society was based on nepotism in the form of vassalage. The peasants had no rights at all. In some places, there are still elements of primitive gatherings, where the elite is represented by the rural aristocracy. These people must have had such crude thinking, no further than their own noses. That’s why parochial reflection. Reflection is no more than a neighbor’s. They’re stupid. No one here remembers the state interests. There is a God, there is a cure, there is a monarch, there is a notable.

      This is a traditional nepotism. A hierarchical ladder is being built. At the top – the elite, built on the principle of the family. In the middle level, in the system, all niches are occupied by” their own people” by the type of clan. The bourgeoisie is not far behind (and the national representatives from the legal protection, too). All this organization forms a form of the modern solidarity-the ruling party. At the bottom, life is also set up according to a quasi-family pattern – interest groups are formed. In other words, clans are formed against the state, but inside.

      What are Philistines?

      First, all Philistines do not correspond to the essence that they pursue. That’s why they are Philistines. They certainly do not want to conform to it, but to acquire the pursued entity as a thing. This” material” series also includes very non-material entities, for example, titles, statuses, the highest rank in some field, for example, the rank of Professor or doctor of science. In everything, one distinctive “Philistine” feature in the form, the type of event, but not the content, the essence. These “acquisitions” are of a very wide range, if the society is developing, we are talking about the middle-class society as a whole. Claiming the highest civilized status.

      What falls under this form? It can be a military rank, a scientific degree, a social status, a label of popularity, and, in the end, belonging to the elite. In middle-class society, the elite is very specific. She is only the mistress of things, no matter what, but things. Petty-bourgeois elites can best find and get as “things”, so you can become both a Professor and a writer very simply. In addition to the “rich” elite, it also wants to seem of course smart. Professor-thing, status and name Professor it’s like buying a banal thing on the market! This is only possible here.

      So, among the Nouveau riches, you can become anyone, even a Caliph for an hour, even a Pope, even a circus performer, even an astronaut, even an ice skater, if only you had money. Who doesn’t have access to this case? They don’t care if you’re really a General or a philosopher, they don’t give a damn. Who wants to, let him be a General! Even the singing General, even dancing. Utter carelessness.

      Of course, when the pagan consciousness touches you, it will gradually be just such a celebration of apathy, marginal simplicity. The desire to find something that is not available, but shines, with an incomprehensible luster and wants to be incomprehensible and brilliant in the course of perfection and education of society, may not look beautiful. But the new townspeople, once again, don’t give a damn. They can buy it and “dress” it.

      Buy and dress “General”.

      It is also very easy to recognize a fake. A regime philosopher is just as easy to spot as a wedding General. The discrepancy is given by the job. The “analyst” of them can go crazy, for example. You can assume that he really wants to open something bright and memorable, but there are not enough resources, natural data, but the Philistine system gave him a card “Analytics”, with a seal – take it and come up with it. He gives them a real product – only his madness. Is just as crazy as the claim of the bourgeoisie to the content. To the point of complete madness, he guesses the main desire of customers – their secret, which means that his discovery will be pointless and mystical. Mysticism can’t be touched or challenged – it’s scary to touch the incomprehensible, astrology scares the audience. All their analysts are mystics, of course. Do you remember shamans? This is them, only in modern clothes. If there are no orderlies to recognize a madman, then another mystery discovery is considered a find. And how many such finds. There are a lot of people who moved to the city quickly.

      But the General is more difficult to “catch” because it requires war or force majeure. That he’s worthless. But he still gives out something not General, madcap, undisciplined, and even not at all creative, and creativity begins to be rejected by young people in the course of service with Lieutenant’s shoulder straps. A real General without a war is stupid. The General’s son will be a General-remember? The dunce dynasty. And this super creative, full of enthusiasm, youthful enthusiasm, he will do something. It was immediately made. He jumped from the lowest rank to the highest officer corps. He should sit and accept the congratulations of the guests, he is a wedding guest, and he can’t sit still. He’s setting up a local war. He uses epaulets to besiege his guests. He’s tired of driving a luxury foreign car in front of my nose. He begins to put other motorists as spies and selects the oligarchic bread. And it’s very fat! Therefore, the service gets the appearance of a terrible nightmarish feudal game. For the oligarchs, of course. Not for him.

      It must say, in peacetime, a civilian or a woman can handle a military position. This is a typical manifestation of market farce.

      All these regalia, degrees, and titles all speak of one thing: desire. That there is emotion along with selfishness.

      About the strong side of the instinctive-emotional view of the surrounding things. The inability to look into the essence of the title, position, and even profession, leads to the boundless fall of these professions. Disappearing due to quality. What remains is the prestige of having a tag, not a profession. Professionals disappear, evaporate in that place. Some employees, hypocrites, and ass-lickers. The same ones breed even worse at the bottom. Because there are no more professionals, but there are children, children of nature, who “want” and want to be happy that they are in uniform or in a suit. Social option: that they occupy a post, it doesn’t matter – they correspond to it, they occupy it – so they deserve it. And they are respected for it. Respect for the post, for the fact that they decide something there, and very important. The more stupid a person is, the more respected they are. And after all, he wants, in the end, requires complete groveling. A slave is a slave. And groveling

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