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Weathercocks. Zeremids. Almaz BraevЧитать онлайн книгу.

Weathercocks. Zeremids - Almaz Braev

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this, and their children, who are called fashionable “journalists” yet, these retell how crazy Western stars go. They are actually related. Ass-licking administrators, ass-licking their secretaries. Assholes writing and broadcasting from the screen are most interested in what Jennifer Lopez bought. This is the ceiling of petty-bourgeois interests. Children always need to go to rehab. Why is it not appropriate to transfer it to society? Does the bourgeoisie need rehabilitation? Let’s look at this case on the example of a popular opposition Philistine.

      And what about our opposition?

      Let’s say he once dreamed of becoming someone as a child. Then, as a teenager and a young man, the “dream” was vulgarized – it was corrected by the values of society, the society in which he lived. Their environment has replaced romance. The worse the conditions of past life and material conditions, the greater this dream-not a dream at all, but a desire has become a goal.

      We remember that the bourgeoisie wanted to walk in a rich suit in the elite quarter, to stand next to the rich. (And the entire population can dream of becoming rich, for nothing that there is an advertisement for the hikes of Western oligarchs and their next girl friends-pasii).

      Must to define this population as petty-bourgeois, who do not have values, in simple terms, collective farmers with requests. Here they flooded the city, came to the city center in expensive suits, (option on an expensive car rolled). They didn’t become someone. They just realized themselves. Removed the space complexes. They won’t build any more cities. The more villages the more villages. To those architectures came the end. Only the centers will be equipped for different fun. They have to not only take off mental complexes but also forget it, right? They associate the center with joy and ostentation. Other types of activities and industries will probably fall into disrepair. Wishes are realized – here they are-already in the offices! The motto remains: “live and enjoy, don’t worry! “We will make our relatives, acquaintances and friends professors and writers, singers and poets, point a bunch of cameras at them, draw a big advertisement, invite – not for free – some Bazaar, Western stars and everything – everything is ours, everything is mine. Who should be embarrassed?”

      Why can’t this trouble-free, fabulously easy mood (with the realization of desires) go to the crowd? And the mood changes. That’s why it’s a traditional society. Someone sneezed from above, and there was an epidemic from below. All after all – “suburban” Philistines are infected with all the diseases of the elite. The lower the status, the stronger the passion to get infected-this is the law. Conscience, morals, laws they killed with their desires. “We will buy all departments, studios, mantles, courts, operating rooms and editorial offices” – the first second, second third, third fourth echo: we will buy! We are not interested in the standard, we are interested in the external outfit, being and form, which is cool, and in politics-we are like the elite. Rudeness is our standard. We are a big easy crowd. (And if it is also ethnic? Related to an ethnic group?)


      We got a little distracted from the so-called oppositionist, who in his youth “dreamed” of getting out in people. Unfortunately, some categories of citizens have mundane dreams. In some ways romantic, but the closer to the goal, to life, all vulgar. Here it “got out in people”, got through into politics.

      Now he can tell the news from the collective farms or from the station, even from the sidings. The problem: the higher he climbed, the more influential and “wider” his “childhood” became. Travel -the homeland will always come to him in a dream. In children, some successes, let’s call them children’s exploits, cause asking, in another way, lifting their noses in front of others. For a while, they live on this glory or its remnants. If a traditional person, even a literate zeref gets a position, he lives it, lives well, lives with authority and fame, his family does not suffer. He often remembers his poverty. And he is naturally vain, his adventures are natural. No one knows that a natural person needs more fame than food. The more authority he has, the better off him and his family live. Even now, he has to be visible all the time, on the surface all the time. Otherwise, he will dream about traveling again at night. Absolutely, or he’ll lose it all. Therefore, the so-called opposition in natural society is full of such people who have made mistakes. They get to the siding directly from the train. They fall from the clip, from the system, that is, from the prestigious and expensive cars. They were all or should have been, in power. But the government will not take them back. No one from these provincials wants to go back to the road trip. They won’t understand. Without power, they will have no authority. As one substance (shit) they do not sink, everyone knows that the “opposition” here, or what is so-called, is their new surface. They jump into another car. And then they take a chair there, sit on the boss’s chair in opposition. Picking up ass-lickers and incompetents to make them dumber. They are now engaged in feudal degradation in opposition. What happens to a former provincial when he gets into government or parochial government? At first, he just demolishes his natural tower. This is called a value shock or a blow to the pillars of the vanity. He is like an artist now, he will always miss the height if he fell from the power car. Outwardly, this is not reflected and is not immediately visible. And that shock is not enough. Did everyone see the expression on the Asian official’s face? He’s all arrogance, it’s just rushing from him from all sides. You can’t force him to return to earth (to travel) by any force now, except for falling (due to the activity of our wedding General, for example). But this elevation cannot be forgotten. The height already lives with him for the rest of his life. She will fart, jump out and stand like a shadow in unexpected places, in most cases inappropriate and after retirement, that is, expulsion from the queue. Let’s assume that such an” oppositionist” but he’s pushing hard and arrogant… It’s pointless now. He is only an oppositionist – just like everyone else he is an outcast. Everyone knows that, but not him. He’s still there. He makes himself an unexpected throne, the boss’s chair from boxes and other devices (as in childhood), takes his pose, climbs higher in the room among other oppositionists, that he is higher and here. The origin of a rural man takes its toll. He is back on the throne of opposition planks. So he believes in all seriousness. And it always wants to “stand by” the Genevese now. He is a Genevese almost in reality, and you are collective farmers. These are just old natural show-offs. Can this right be taken away from him? No. Because it is impossible to take it away – childhood is not given away. He wants to go to Geneva all the time, just like when he was a kid, he wanted to go to the city on a passing train. This is another of his childhood fantasies. To then spread the tail in front of the other children of the neighbors.

      But no. He immediately builds himself a throne out of any pose and material.

      Well, let’s say he considers himself superior to others. Why, they weren’t as high up as he was – in the middle of the city! The General Secretary there or the co-Chairman, or the press Secretary of the disgraced Prime Minister. They, his fellow party members – again “provincials” even next to his self-made throne. Now it can go to another “city center”, for example, the real center of the European city of Geneva. Take a trip to the summit of the European Parliament and to hang out among the pure and fragrant parliamentarians. And you all stayed in the suburbs.., that is, in his small homeland – in Terra incognita, somewhere among the snotty boys of the village.

      Conclusion: the emancipation of social “children” harms the opposition cause. Even in politics, they will assert themselves and rest on their laurels. This means that they will always be with their complexes in the “city center”.

      Chapter II

      In search of the elder

      The contradiction between the modern shell and the archaic stuffing, when internal combustion engines are around and at the same time public offices are being handed over (sold). it is solved simply. There is no linear parallel coexistence of the external and internal world. Although he seems to be there as two of the

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