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Monotonous MAN. Zeref. Almaz BraevЧитать онлайн книгу.

Monotonous MAN. Zeref - Almaz Braev

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>Monotonous MAN


      Almaz Braev

      © Almaz Braev, 2021

      ISBN 978-5-0053-1815-2

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system



      Chapter I The time has come

      Chapter II Who is zeref

      Chapter III Beyond the Good

      Chapter IV The clan and mobilization

      Chapter V A language that zeref doesn’t understand

      Chapter VI The middle is empty

      Chapter VII People of order and war

      Chapter VIII The custom. The order comes first

      Chapter IX Folklore onslaught

      Chapter X How they choose

      Chapter XI Holodomor c

      Chapter XII Georgians, Armenians…

      Chapter XIII Holodomor 2

      Chapter XIV Freemen

      Chapter XV Kazakh and Jews

      Chapter XVI You’re a God! You are the king!

      Chapter XVII Did the Indians have a forecast?

      Chapter XVIII The zerefs

      Chapter XIX Why honesty is a weakness

      Chapter XX Why is there not enough love

      Chapter XXI Traditional countdown

      Chapter XXII The mistake of social revolutions

      Chapter XXIII Why the zerefs become quiet?

      Chapter XXIV The obscuration of Lev Gumilev

      Chapter XXV Is Muslims for nomas?

      Chapter XXVI Kazakhs and Arabs

      Chapter XXVII Think of yourself

      Chapter XXVIII Smales and others

      Chapter XXIX How to identify

      Chapter XXX The opposition is also meaningless

      Chapter XXXI My home is my

      Chapter XXXII A savage and superman

      Chapter XXXIII Why the zeref is pitiful to the poor

      Chapter XXXIV Revcon



      According to the biblical story, there was a wonderful life in paradise. Adam and Eve lived well for many, many years. According to the Bible, the first people lived for a thousand years. They might have lived forever. But then modern humans would not have been born. This happened because a serpent crawled up to the first woman of mankind and persuaded Eve to eat an apple from the tree of knowledge. Eva gave an apple to her husband. And they both saw that they were standing naked in front of each other. They saw the world.

      The subjects discussed in this book also lived in their traditional world as the first people. They were not like the first people, but they were their copies in the way of life. The only thing they learned was a shame. Then they came up with their own traditional morality. In every other way, they resembled the first people of this world. The whole world is made up of almost monotonous people. Whether this is good or bad, you will now say. On the one hand, monotonous people are not aggressive and not dangerous. They will welcome you as guests. You will be pleased with their hospitality. On the other hand, monotonous people do not stop fighting with each other, as if they have just been banished from paradise. In fact, paradise or a quiet life is lost in this territory when there are too many monotonous people. After all, the tradition of all peoples stands guard over their relatives. But time passes and all people do not have enough of all the necessary goods. Therefore, conflicts begin among monotonous people. There have been conflicts among the zerefs before. But today, when technology has reached all corners of the earth, all the zerefs seem to have eaten the apples of paradise and become sick. They have become selfish. Although their tradition and morality as God himself taught them to be good collectivists. As already mentioned, if a glass of hot water is put in cold water, it will explode. Similarly, the zerefs, when confronted with a technological civilization, become aggressive and attack. Special services take advantage of the zeref aggressiveness for their own purposes. Every time a snake crawls up to the monotonous people and whispers information in their ears, they turn into rebels.

      Chapter I

      The time has come

      The time has come to show that each individual man tradition is the involuntary despot, and the crowd scurrying around him on the street, potentially ready this new authority to obey: to obey his decree, to fulfill orders, to respect even appearance, for showing off, for money, for the opportunity, for the haughty or arrogant style of communication, in general, to meet «on clothes».

      It is time to finally explain why Western-style democracy differs from generic democracy or free-thinking and choice in traditional society.

      It is time to convince that a purely ethnic path without admixtures of «paths» of other ethnic groups (in this case, more reflective groups), together with real local and potential Fuhrers, can destroy the entire people, without bringing it to the desired level of the notorious democracy.

      The time has come.

      Taboo: Some people were tabooed from birth, such as chieftains and priest-chiefs who were descended from the gods and received magical powers from them. Everything the chief touched was considered taboo to others because of the danger to the common people. Being a product of the life activity of primitive man, in the course of historical development, a number of transformed taboos entered into the form of various ideas, customs, values, and norms in morality, religion, law, and everyday life of people.

      «Wundt calls taboo the oldest unwritten legislative code of mankind.»

      Z. Freud

      But legal law, we will immediately note, arises from activity, active activity, in order to curb the egoism of the subjects of the dispute. In this way, legal law differs from «innate» relations, or market law and citizenship differ from generic ethnic taboos. To understand, and in some cases to circumvent the law, the new citizen begins to cheat. This gives an impetus to anti-social, anti-civil, and criminal creativity. At the same time, blood relations are almost impossible to avoid. And to fit even the highest relative to the order, for this is the punishment of the ages-the holy order, the order of the ancestors, if you will, the violation of which leads to disregard, the fall of authority, damnation, and punishment. Therefore, the pagan is an ascetic, a man of discipline, a model of loyalty and order, he has no other choice. So there is no other fate. He is so submissive to her. Out of this obedience and discipline comes the concentration of power on a massive scale. A hierarchical cult always grows out of this in the future. If there is no external aggression and disaster, there is a high probability of establishing despotism in this place.

      At the moment when the unscrupulous, usurped power elite manages to get out of the internecine struggle or repel external aggression, it cancels generic democracy and none of the so-called common people dare to express their disobedience or doubt. They do not strive for this according to traditional culture. They are not in the habit of protesting or being indignant. If there is any denial of the supreme willfulness, it is done silently, by passive sabotage, and even earlier-by migration. We are talking about a clean, unadulterated primitive environment. People of the genus are used to hierarchy. Therefore, any cult that arises comes from this habit. In other words, they recall the first taboo en masse. And whether it is a leader, that is, a living leader or a primitive authority as a cult, it does not matter.

      And Fraer?

      The representative of Western civilization

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