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Monotonous MAN. Zeref. Almaz BraevЧитать онлайн книгу.

Monotonous MAN. Zeref - Almaz Braev

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is formed under the family hierarchy, and therefore under the generic one. In the social hierarchy, everyone is waiting for a certain place until the lowest status. Distinctive behavior is characterized by insensitivity to the weak, limited emotions or, conversely, a lot of emotions, in any case, the zeref can not show weakness in any way. Empathy always shows weakness. Probably also respect for force, and therefore for the authorities, the official side and its people, for physical force and punishment in general. A family, a clan, a group of people were in constant clashes with other families. The struggle with the forces of nature itself led to confrontation and to a permanent struggle for a place in the sun, which inevitably led to the creation of tribal alliances. Some deviations are possible in disasters or expulsions. Without a crisis or force majeure, breaking the tradition automatically means leaving the ancestral collective, which leads to alienation and the cessation of all assistance to even the closest. The tradition of mutual assistance, in general, was created for this purpose – to help relatives, help their own, and at the same time it also led to both rejection and enmity (hatred) to the enemy, the rival, to the stranger, to not his own blood. Therefore, the genus or a large blood-related family is seemingly devoid of contradictions, just as each member is devoid of personal egoism. Every ordinary member of such a community has no self at all.

      This is typical for any tradition without exception, including for «advanced» Europeans. But they’ve learned to hide it. They have outgrown tradition. Money has replaced the authority of man among the representatives of the market civilization.

      Blood relations cool down and are torn apart in parts because of the movement, and even more precisely-because of technical perfection. The impact of progress on traditional relations is associated with the next invention of tools, improvement of technology, and the complexity of the economy. With the movement and the social divide, there is also a blood gap. And if such a connection is broken, then the limiting right also disappears. There is no patriarchal family – there is no hierarchy. There is no longer this force of attraction of blood. Along with the weakening of hierarchy and discipline, the prohibitive power of taboos also falls. In the neighborhood community, there are no relatives, there is no innate hierarchy, there are prerequisites for a new relationship, communication, so to speak, on a democratic basis. New relationships are built not by birthright, although youth always remains a disadvantage, synonymous with inexperience, and therefore weakness – through the centuries, through specific merits, the indicator of which is the social significance of actions, and in the future their cost, the value of personal feat increases. To gain authority and leadership, kinship and nobility alone are not enough. And merit can come through some common problems, disasters, diseases, wars, etc. These new opportunities for social reward give rise to a new vision and new professionalism. Who has what abilities? For the common people, disaster has always been the beginning of unification, the merging into a new collective of relatives, for the civil or proto-civil-like-minded people-in order to resolve the common misfortune, therefore, loyalty to the ethnic, corporate, and, in the end, the state idea.

      From the blood to the idea.

      There is a simple mobilization of forces by adding them. From the very beginning, unity, loyalty to the leader, the community, the people come from understanding the common task-the idea. This community is natural, organic, not artificial, and alluvial. From here come the heroes, the best sons, and daughters of the fatherland, patriots, and just even citizens of their state. In addition, a bunch of life in a limited area contributes to the speed of reaction or prediction – will or will not be a collision. In another way-to be or not to be a war with neighbors. And is there time to prepare and repel external aggression?

      With the development of commodity exchange or monetary relations, the need for profit would supplement such foreign policy analysis with everyday reflection. It was first invented by merchants, from the outside, so as not to get into dependence, in other words, not to miscalculate and not lose their own freedom by miscalculation. The townsfolk have always loved freedom, but even more profit. These ordinary citizens or (already) philistines invented their own calculation, in other words, «reason», and thus expanded the limits of their protection. This is a commercialism reflection (the refags reflection in the future. – Revcon.). The regulation of civil relations led to mutual consent. Submission to the law was a limit to the arbitrariness of the external (power option) warrior-aggressor and internal, putting on a percentage of the merchant. The law has become new taboo in the civilized world.

      Yes, the autocrat and dictator, as well as his people, maintain a level of obedience as if they were primitive priests. They need is obedience in the first place for power. That is, this power will strive for absolute obedience and teach order.

      Chapter II

      Who is zeref

      Zeref is a neologism of two words: zero and reflex-reflection. Zeref has very little reflection, almost zero, zero, very rudimentary reflection. Almost like a child’s. And why almost? If we are talking about a traditional society, then every person in such a society is dissolved in his community. In a traditional community, a person seems to be there, and he does not seem to be there. There are people who are divided by age and perform strictly their duties. Zeref is a subordinate of the hierarchy from birth. What kind of system is this? The most important in the hierarchy are the elders. Then there are the other ancestral authorities, but they are also all very old. In general, all mentors in the traditional community are life experience holders. The elders, the authorities of the clan, the teachers-all of them rule the people, who in turn rule the zerefs. The zeref fathers raise zeref sons. In such a scheme of seniority and experience, you do not need to think, you need to perform. The skills of honoring teachers or just older people discourage the desire to reflect, that is, to immerse yourself in yourself, to think. Therefore, the zerefs resemble ordinary soldiers of the community, such as ants – each ant has its own task, its own area of work. A person has no need and nowhere to dive. His behavior is painted by others. If he obeyed the more experienced people of the tribe, he would definitely succeed. The proverb «A docile heifer sucks two cows» explains well how to achieve success among zerefs. In the future, this phenomenon of small reflection will explain the mass phenomenon of another popular wisdom: I am the boss, and you are a fool. In modern conditions, traditional peoples have not completely got rid of the old paradigm, on the contrary, they have developed it and deepened it. Even if it turns out to be a negative selection and the fool changes the fool or the thief changes the thief. But still, traditional people are convinced that «all power is from God.» It turns out that the corrupt government is also beneficial to traditional people?

      Reflection is developed by the person himself. Because a person thinks for himself. No one will think for him. The older he gets, the more he must (evaluate his actions and the degree of their adequacy. The higher the reflection of a person, the more he plunges into autonomy. The more independent it is. The brighter his actions. But where do these actions come from? Especially in a traditional community. If each higher member of the team puts pressure on the lower one, presses from top to bottom, the lower one simply does not have time to resist, he must «suck» the udder, if he can, then immediately from two queens and something else from the bosses.

      That is, he has nowhere to take the strength to resist?

      There are people who do not develop anything in themselves at all. Do not develop and so live to old age in natural conception and development at zero. Many do not achieve anything, even sucking all the» wombs» of their superiors. They are simply used as slave chips, cannon fodder, consumable, building material. They still talk about such people: they do not save up wisdom, but only years. That is, such people live their lives as if in vain and do not turn into a person. Only the most loyal hypocrites on the throne become «human». Who is lucky to be next to the next dictator. But they are also unlucky if the dictator is overthrown. Sink or swim?

      As they say, do not judge and will not be judged.

      We know that all children

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