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Monotonous MAN. Zeref. Almaz BraevЧитать онлайн книгу.

Monotonous MAN. Zeref - Almaz Braev

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in some – an extreme dogmatist and fanatic when it comes to profit, and sometimes just an impersonal hypocrite. Refag fryer was formed in an environment of trade and exchange, disasters, and wars, when there were large transactions and mass movements of people beating and killing each other. From generation to generation, he managed to trade, and at the same time, the zerefs killed each other. Most importantly, he was the first or one of the first to enter a strange city without a gun. So the tolerance came from a need, along with the development of knowledge among the trading elite. And for the mass of the bourgeoisie, tolerance came with the spreading blood, a religion that took the place of a good psychologist and a comforter in the ocean of despair and blood.

      The motive for pity and compassion among the pagan masses was terror. The horrifying mass death – from war, disease, genocide, and epidemics-has led to reasoning and reflection. Then the monotonous man began to think. Although there was some reflection among primitive hunters. The first criticism, but not self-criticism. The zeref’s concern extends only to blood relatives, while the refag’s concern extends to complete strangers. Although these people, they see profit first and foremost. And the zerefs only see their enemies. So the mass tolerance came along with mass disaster.

      The religion.

      It was the religion that became the institution of pity, directed the search for a way out for human anxiety not outside, but inside. Although conscience is associated with more ancient layers of the psyche, the mass conscience of the people began to be expressed through their religion. Therefore, Nietzsche called conscience aggression directed not outward, but inward. Conscience and morality are the internal ideology of civilizations. The loneliness of the pagan is expressed not so much in internal insensitivity, somewhere and callousness to «not their own», to non-relatives by blood, and outwardly ascetic behavior, but in the multiplicity of his pagan gods. Someone of the spirits of the ancestors, who would be responsible for his actions. On the contrary, being a collective of relatives, they also probably maintain in his mind that he is the crown of nature. Can do what leads to the good of his family, clan, tribe.

      Moral standards.

      Moral social norms – moral imperatives; requirements of a certain behavior based on the ideas accepted in society: about good and evil; about due or impermissible. Moral norms regulate the internal behavior of a person, dictate an unconditional requirement to act in a particular situation this way, and not otherwise. Moral norms are fixed in the commandments and other forms of ideas about how a person should act.

      The pagan is very dependent on the existing atmosphere of his own morals. Even if there is still a traditional aesthetic and culture in the household discipline with a rush of other ideas, it still obeys the circumstances of the environment. Any modern ideology with its guidelines begins to take its place in his mind. The greater the influence of other traditions and cultures, the more he is forced to think, choose, separate, vary, and maneuver. He will choose the strongest of the ideas. The most profound culture. Among the modern trends, if he is sufficiently competent and has sufficient norm of reflection (and hence of the forecast, but this seems). Or he will leave, will search in the developments of the history of his people – will fall into the archaic (zeref) this will not be anything unusual, on the contrary, it is normal to fall into the past. If circumstances, and in this case, this circumstance is power and privileged life, power goes only to those zerefs who have penetrated, imbued with a different culture, this forces them to further develop a copyist, there is a serious reason that the tribe or its people will suffer. A leader and dictator can afford to experiment. But only a strong leader. He forces his fellow tribesmen, his people, to change their habits. Complex and large categories of another civilization pull zeref out of the family, blood-related community, now he is experienced, he is cunning, he has learned to evaluate and sell, almost like a fraer, and very quickly, but the people themselves are not yet ready for speed. And it is subject only to large nations, their culture, behavior, where the largest «nation» is now a world nation. The leader becomes the reformer of the people, and therefore the last dictator. Thus, leaving not from consciousness, but from the village by blood and kinship, zeref found himself in an alluring, brilliant unfamiliar city, flooded with strange people. They behave differently than people of his circle, his culture, his relatives. He wants to be equal to these new people. He wants to become a citizen, but also a citizen of any city in the world.

      Therefore, the ideology of modern religion is competition.

      The multiplicity of market actions of the elite does not deprive it of its old experience. The market leads to wealth at the expense of relatives and the flourishing of a few select families. The market creates a corporation of relatives, and only close-knit families can compete. That is, it is a favorable environment for the clan, it is a natural corporation of people united by blood. This is the reason for corruption among those peoples who cultivate traditional relations. Each family becomes a corporation, if it is a large family, then a large corporation, it is much more successful than urban singles. Even cultured citizens can’t compete with them. Traditional people can only compete with similar people, just as a civilization can compete with a civilization. These are the conditions of modern confrontation. It is a struggle of cultures.

      In this case, the nation can resist the nation.

      And its cultural and technical achievements. Specialists can stand up to specialists. Motivated specialists are superior to greedy and automated relatives. Trade civilization takes over. People are divided into families – the main and simple. There is no state as such, but there are families of rulers, managers, and families of other people. Just like under feudalism. Therefore, the strategic task of civilization-the mobilization of all its resources-here mobilizes only a narrow circle. The whole point is that the modern market civilization on the land of traditional culture and morality, on the territory of the «ideological» population, begins to split competitors into parts. On these very families-atoms, also on genera, because families begin to unite according to the old scheme of one kind against another. The market war is almost blood-related, but without the hoop that binds these people, a small corporation of relatives – the family and representatives of other families do not want to understand each other, everyone has their own interests.

      If a certain patriot does not agree with this, the one who has not been influenced by other cultures and does not want this influence sees the way out only in a purely traditional way. What can they do? To unite their isolationist supporters, they must present their ideal, or in other words, a new strong god. It is only to him that adepts turn for inspiration. All paganism and ancestral worship will interfere with them. Otherwise, the adepts will first run away in their minds from misunderstanding each other. From not understanding the new old task and goal. Let’s say that the cult of ancestors can be combined to solve a common problem, that is, each ancestral god and hero must enter the same pantheon of the genus. Further, on the basis of a common ancestor, there is a development of heroic morality. From the past to the present. Ancient history provides rich material for physically strong, wise ancestors, but modern civilization provides nothing. If modern authorities originate from the Soviet civilization, all significant figures of politics, culture, and science are representatives of the Soviet super ethnic group. Thus, in the global confrontation of politics – politics, culture-culture, history-history, do the ethnic group has specialists, are they adequate and prepared for the modern challenge? Can a heroic story, even the most impressive native myths, balance market values?

      It is time to reveal this secret, inaccessible to the official and hyped media parasites of political science, philosophy, and other commercial public. All these public people lie. Even the most outwardly impressive of them. Market civilization has divided these people not only into probable tribal unions but also into separate families, where everyone is for himself everywhere. Someone takes the side of the cult of ancestors (the traditionalists), and someone-the side of the West without any ambiguity (the NGO liberals). Everyone runs where they want. Everyone likes their own fairy tale.



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