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Monotonous MAN. Zeref. Almaz BraevЧитать онлайн книгу.

Monotonous MAN. Zeref - Almaz Braev

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turned into humility for humility in those early days, this tribe would have been slaughtered very quickly. In a modern way, humility and submission are used only by the state. But this does not mean that the neighbors agree with this. The humble promote humility in their own interests. For the same purpose, they spread a cult everywhere, another one, as usually happens here.

      At this very time, civilization, which is a series of transformations of tribal collectives into a community without memory, has already declared war on culture. What they would say of zeref? And what traveler Columbus said the Indians the Arawaks? And what did the Indians say to him? Only curiosity and stupidity. The trib or zeref have nothing to say. So they respond with discipline or internal administration. They increase discipline within themselves, within society. Automatically. The more civilization presses on them, the more autocracy there will be within the zeref. The more democracy on the outside, the more totality on the inside. This is the symmetric response of sorts. Democracy can take place here only by its military essence. This is hidden, but a military democracy. And if only the military essence, then a state of eternal «war» is required, more precisely, the replacement of a real war with internal war. Why is this happening? Because the local elite created their own corporation for trade. This military detachment in the form of people dressed in civilian clothes prepared to trade with all the people. But the people themselves do not know about it. Only the autocrat’s government knows about it. The autocrat knows how to trade.

      The origin.

      The heyday of tribal society falls on slavery. Slavery is an expression of misanthropy or rather human cruelty. At this time, a man was terribly rude, to the same extent as a Neolithic man, but rudeness is an expression of nature itself. Rudeness makes it possible to survive. War, as an extra-economic compulsion, constitutes a system of reproduction, and consequently of the prosperity of the race. The weakest nations paid tribute to all. And some even disappeared from the face of the earth. Civilization taught love colorful butterflies and fluffy cats and all zerefs paid for their studies. The rude people paid dearly for all. Zeref is not sensitive in these matters, not sentimental, he has no humanistic semitones, and in general semitones. If he wants it, he gets it – roughly, accurately, instinctively, and"in a kindred way.» He quickly finds his own kind, no matter who, his new brother may be a philistine of another nationality. But it is better if he meets his fellow countryman, an option-a childhood friend, a classmate, a friend from a previous job. As a result, if this is a «society of socialism», then the rulers will be entirely made up of mediocre troechniks (a schoolboys a Russian school who received unsatisfactory marks) – spineless and performers. If this is an advanced market society, then the mafia will be assembled from international philistines. And the lowest levels of generic corporations in the rod – state system will be occupied by real ethnic relatives, they are also merchants or bandits.

      Before the rude man became a feudal man, streams of other people’s and their own blood were spilled before the eyes of his ethnic group. They gave him a culture of behavior from ethnic memory. These vicissitudes of bloody communion and blood flow gave a man a slave-owning status before slavery ceased to make economic sense.

      The right to freedom is the right to private property.

      As you know, the tribal community has a collective property and its individuals have only personal things-talismans. Individual freedom is denied by life itself. This is a military formation forming up at any moment or carts protruding for moving out. The generic system arises at the limit of material reproduction. Generally the limit. This is a war of all primarily with nature and evil neighbors, also suffering from nature. Therefore, like capitalism, which is forced to nationalize banks and raw materials at the time of hostilities with another imperialist state, the tribal community «nationalizes», or rather socializes all everyday things. And this happens through discipline and hierarchy. To confront the global genus or the genus of the world. These are the laws of being.

      What is a talisman?

      In solitude, after a fight or hunt the pagan transfer the experience to an inanimate object. Zeref whispers some incantations. He rubs chock on a chock, tooth on stone. It’s comforting. It gives inspiration for the next day, for the next hunt. The talisman is the religion of the lonely man. Paganism is the religion of a pagan. Although all zerefs live in a collective. No one can sympathize with him. All brothers sympathize only with the sick, the infirm. A team of relatives is a team of helpers only at the moment of danger. In peacetime, this system turns into a hierarchy. Negativity and aggression are transferred to domestic consumption. From here, zeref has his talisman in his hands.

      Hierarchy is the probability of danger, so the unknown is something ahead. A warrior does not know the experience. A warrior knows only fear. But he shouldn’t show it. What seems to be the work of consciousness, of the mind, is actually a working state. No one can say what the wolf is going through. There aren’t even any muscles on the predator’s face, except for grabbing its prey. Zeref is mobilized at any moment to rush to the defense-kind, family, territory. He knows his orders and his place in the ranks. He knows his power. Outside of combat and combat operations, he has nothing to do. Here he is alone. The ancestral has a family, there are relatives, he is a man of the clan. But he looks lonely. Why? In fact, he is happy to help, but he can not trust his fears. He is a warrior. Courage is the virtue of all paganism. Once again: a warrior is disciplined and alone. It’s a biological war machine. His loneliness is determined by the severity of life and provided by the system of kinship. All life takes place in the form of rituals, automatic actions, repetition of the experience of others. The father passes on the skills of hunting and being to the son, because he is responsible for the son in front of the team until he grows up. Mutual responsibility of relatives also has an economic and social reason. Everyone is responsible for everyone. Father for son, blood for blood, an eye for an eye. In the genes, this information is like in a museum. And so the conservative elements of the old generation’s omnipotence are easily miscalculated in a modern way. The young are silenced and eliminated, the old return to the circle and conduct an educational conversation. The conversation is a convention. In another way-an an active way of zeref life.

      The modern crisis, therefore, cannot but cause relapses of the museum. Because in the tribal system, old age is not only a recognition of discipline, it is a trust in life experience. Museums line up one by one. The cult of the fallen, the cult of the ancestors, the cult of the old blooms. Everything is facing backward. In front of the leader, and behind the cult. There’s nothing in the middle. There’s nothing.

      Living in the same environment, in the midst of natural stability with the constancy of the environment, do not need the initiative of overactive individuals. And they need discipline and submission, too, because of the severity of the same climate and environment.

      Old people, as soon as they are given the word, remove any responsibility from themselves, at worst they shift it to distant ancestors, at best to the leader – to both factors at the same time. That doesn’t mean they’re incriminating him. They say they trust his initiative. So the zerefs again have a dictatorship that reproduces a very ancient situation. The zerefs do not take responsibility. Only God can answer all of them. He takes it. In front of the leader, behind the cult. The rest is transferred to the enemy camp to battle.


      In front of the leader, the administration, his people, behind necessarily common ancestors – a new squad is ready. This is the genus. And ordinary community members, modern citizens, do not recognize anyone, because they do not see themselves. They don’t see themselves, which means they don’t respect themselves. This explains the dependence of weak creatures on the opinion of a sister or brother. The most pleasant subject to all is the feeble and non-reproducing old man. Mutual responsibility makes you love this physical wreck for all occasions, and in difficult periods with special force. This is the power of despair that replaces peaceful envy. All generations are relieved of their responsibility, leaving only those who can not even physically respond, do not understand what is happening around them. Mute, deaf, and

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