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Monotonous MAN. Zeref. Almaz BraevЧитать онлайн книгу.

Monotonous MAN. Zeref - Almaz Braev

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organization or pseudo-military organization that retains a pseudo-military form dictates the appropriate religion. The path of generic ideology and religion. There is no religion in the gentile system. There is a fear of some and total freedom of others. Fear is the slaves, and the free are the masters. This is a kind of duplication of the elements. The element symbolizes fear, freedom-victory over the elements. Military division. Slaves-former opponents from the conquered tribe. The gods are also lords of the elements. Who is the master of the elements – he is free. The gods are free in this sense. And the kingdom of the first lord is like the gods. The gods only duplicate the earthly strife between the free. The water god, the earth god, the rain god, the hearth spirit, the river spirit, and other spirits fight and conquer the elements. They are completely at their mercy.

      Why do some wild tribes still have the mummification of a relative? A relative is the owner of a soul that passes away with death. But the function of his spirit does not go away. He continues to help even after death. This is its function of relatives for the collective. And death does not release the deceased from the obligation to help. The zerefs all the time turning to the left in the other world spirits. The living is sure, and the old people confirm this – the dead are alive, they are always present and help us. So the old people bequeathed to the old people all the time to report that they are alive. What are the experiences zeref experienced in life, such experiences have remained after death? Yes. What they did, what they were obliged to do – for the benefit of the family, no one released them from responsibility. And after death, he must do the same. There is no other sacred motive in the community. The genus is the philosophy of the generic world, the collective. The social norm is transferred to the afterlife. This is a normal «generic» norm. The whole social order was built on this attitude. And nothing can confuse relatives, because they do not have and have not had any reflection. Other thoughts do not arise, because in the tribal community there should be nothing but the good of the family or the clan. This is a mild taboo of kinship relations in the afterlife. If for one part of the community courage is given, for the other – the reverse side of courage – humility. So pagan gods can cohabit in imagination with departed relatives, no one noticed that this is just a projection of a paramilitary organization on the clouds. The same hierarchy is free-subordinate, paramilitary campaign and the help of blood relatives in any circumstances.

      Why paganism blooms become a frivolous question.

      Over the space that is losing the civilizational norms of the hostel, the clouds of general material and social are gathering, when the fortress is against the fortress and many fortresses are at war. Each person is a fortress only in his family. All tribal unions are a reflection of the alienation of part of state property. It is not a fact that patriotic rhetoric is used here. In fact, there is a process of assignment. And everyone knows it. Under the slogans of privatization, the entire state was taken into private ownership. If at the time of privatization the concept of the genus appeared, then privatization ended with the state-genus, one of the variations of the generic world. No one else can take anything and the right does not apply. Over time, chaos ensues. The hierarchy and seniority or nobility of the local elite are not lightweight substances. The generic scheme is tenacious, operates with small reproduction opportunities. No one wants to produce anything. Everyone consumes. Tribal organizations never produced anything among the nomads. Nomads always moved to a new place. That is, it is an organization with a new migration. Relatives still gather, in trouble and in the joy they are always there.

      What is the most important question.

      With a large administrative resource, the question of ownership remains. According to the type of military operations, in relation to society, tribal unions are naturally born. There are always winners, there are losers. The tribal unions must end their actions and create a cult. There is a strong alienation, no less intense than the hatred of slavery. There are their own gods – administrative, cult, pagan. People become alienated, callous, wild, and self-contained. The external system presses with its talismans-things-advertising. Things become new talismans. Pagan perversions are rushing from all sides: tsifromania, knocking on wood, spitting over the shoulder, money trees are being sold, goods are being sprayed; all sorts of witches, sorcerers, bucks, psychics, fortune-tellers. Adherents of world religions do not lag behind, here and there: many buildings appear, sects and sectarians are created, volunteers hang out signs outside. All these are characteristic signs of the strongest alienation. This is war. Embittered ("military") people do not know who to pin down, on whom to vent their anger, drug addiction blooms – someone leaves, someone comes, no one cares. Everyone is pushing each other, there is a tribal war. Fertile ground for paganism.

      The first reflection

      The first conscious reaction is shown by all sorts of intellectuals who are deprived of benefits. They hate everything around them, it seems that they themselves are ready to collapse – to burst with anger. (The poor Jews! They’re here again by the way. But if there are no such people here? Some Eastern people with slanted eyes) Reflection concerns those who know something. Zerefs don’t like strangers. Whoever can’t find a use for himself when the zerefs agree, falls out of line.


      The rodoples (clan +sistem) – a person of tribal society.

      Chapter V

      A language that zeref doesn't understand

      All the wars that took place on Earth were fought by traditional peoples. That's why they are traditional warriors.

      The zeref speak the language of hot war.

      What does zeref need? Zeref must continue the line of trib. To do this, he must create a family, and his wife must bear him sons. To support the family, zeref is obliged to have land, a plot on which he will build a house and which he will work together with his sons.

      Drang nach Octen (Onslaught to the East)

      I have already said that there is no passionarity, but there is a normal climatic period. At this time, zeref received a good harvest from his plot, if Zeref is a nomad, then his cattle brought abundant offspring. Favorable conditions led to population growth. And the growth of the population leads to an increase in needs. Everyone wants to eat. As long as the weather is good, everything is fine. But the climate has deteriorated dramatically. There was a mass loss of livestock or a drought destroyed the crop. Those who remained alive set out in search of a new place. A horde of nomads invaded the land of their neighbors and thereby put pressure on other people’s zeref interests. For zeref, the neighbor, too, dark times have come. He cannot live at home and raise his sons, because another zeref wants to put his own portable home instead of house of local zeref.

      The nomads took no prisoners. And the prisoners must be fed. Therefore, the zerefs killed each other without compromise, whether on the battlefield or cut out the villages of other peoples by the roots. All zerefs want one thing: to build their own house and breed. Therefore, the enemy of zeref is also zeref, who wants to put up a house and plant trees around the house. Understand?» War is the language of the zeref. Zeref talks to his neighbors with onslaught and killing, so he not speaks the language of the builders of zeref houses…

      What is important to zeref? The zerefs live to build a house, once again, to create a family, to breed offspring. Tradition is communication, the conversation of zerefs with nature and with each other. Zeref doesn’t want power, he doesn’t understand it. He just wants to build a house, harvest crops, and go for a walk. The bigger his crop, the more he wants to walk. If zeref gains power, he also harvests and walks until he falls. While on a visit to him will come the neighbor-the Builder. If a neighbor attacks, he needs the land of zeref, he calls his war – the war for living space. And zeref calls the defense of his land the patriotic war. «Fatherland» from the word «father». So that the house with the plot does not go to the aggressor’s father.


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