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Everybody's Book of Luck. AnonymousЧитать онлайн книгу.

Everybody's Book of Luck - Anonymous

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      This line is a short, comparatively inconspicuous one, found at the edge of the palm, below the little finger. It runs inwards but not very far towards the center of the palm. How to recognize its significance is explained under the heading, "An ABC of Hands."

      Now let us put our house in order, refresh our minds, and summarize the broad principles upon which any study of Palmistry must rest.

      First we have the mounts. It is in the varying relation of the lines to these mounts and to their adjacent fingers that our deductions are founded. One mount lies at the base of each finger, Jupiter, Saturn, Apollo and Mercury respectively. Secondly, we have the four fingers with their astrological names, each finger bearing the name of the mount at its base.

      Table showing the general qualities of the mounts.

Name of Mount Quality
JUPITER Ambition, leadership, a magnetic personality. (In excess) Brutal and bullying.
SATURN Cautious, prudent. (In excess) Miserliness, coldness.
APOLLO Artistic Temperament, optimist, healthy living. (In excess) Shallow character, frivolous, and extravagant.
MERCURY Energy, good judgment. (In excess) Lying, fraud, deception.

      Here is a good, sound rule to remember when reading the hands of your friends. First find your type—i.e., Jupiterian, Apollonian, etc. This is accomplished by noting the main characteristics of the hand which you are examining. Suppose that the Mount of Apollo is fully developed and well raised, and that the finger of Apollo is inclined to be long, there you have practically a pure Apollonian type, i.e., Apollo in excess. If the Mount of Apollo is developed but also the finger of Saturn is long, this forms an admirable mixture. This subject will feel the benefit of the steadying influence of Saturn at work on his light-hearted Apollonian nature.

      Pure types are rare—and fortunately so—for in a pure type, no matter which, you are frequently liable to find a rather poorly-balanced outlook on life. The cold need heat, and the brilliant require solid perseverance and a capacity for hard work to win lasting success.

      No. 8.—The Marriage Line in varying shapes.

       Table of Contents

      The answer to this question is a very decided both! As a general rule the left hand will show the inherent characteristics of the individual; the right hand shows the same characteristics modified by our surroundings or by the individual's personal efforts. The former is possibility—the latter actuality; in short, it is what we actually make our life.

      The safest rule about reading right and left hands is this:—Read both hands separately and carefully, then read them in their relation one to the other.

      There is no blind fatalism in the sayings and doings of a true student of Palmistry. What he does or should do is to point out the likelihoods and warn against inherent weakness. In so much he is like a guide helping us to pick our way through the tortuous maze of life.

      It may strike some of our readers that we have spoken more of the indications of character to be found in the hand rather than of the indications of "Fortune." A few moments' thought will show a very sound reason for this.

      It is certainly our characters which shape our destinies; should you find a hand with all the indications of strong character, while also possessing a strong will and well-cut Life line, you would be sure in prophesying a happy life for its owner; or as sure as we poor humans ever can hope to be!

      If you find a hand with the indications of weak will and character, yet with the Health and Life lines strong and well defined, you may well advise the owner of the hand that effort, effort and effort again, is required if he or she would win through!

      Remember that tact is more precious than fine gold! A tactful and timely warning may prove of the greatest value, while without tact you will surround yourself with an army of acquaintances whose feelings you have hurt by your thoughtless and unintentionally cruel remarks!

      There is no infallibility about this matter, but with the facts given in this book there are vast possibilities for really pleasurable and interesting recreation. If the study be taken up seriously, and used with discretion, there are almost unbelievable opportunities for good.

      This is what a man once said to me—and he was a man who thought deeply, and probed matters to their depths:

      "A wise palmist is as precious as a careful signalman upon life's crowded railroad, and a wise palmist is a tactful palmist."

       Table of Contents

      In order to be able to follow the explanations given for each type of hand, the list set out below will prove useful.

      (1) The 1st phalange is the section of the finger carrying the nail.

       (2) The 2nd phalange is the section of the finger between the 1st and 2nd joints.

       (3) The 3rd phalange is the section of the finger between the 2nd and 3rd joints.

       (4) The positions of the Mounts of Mercury, Apollo, Saturn, Jupiter, Luna and Venus are shown in Fig. 7. Of the Mounts of Mars, there are two positions. One is situated between the Mount of Jupiter and the thumb, while the other comes between the Mounts of Mercury and Luna.

       (5) The Girdle of Venus, which is rarely found, is a curved line running between Mercury and either Jupiter or Saturn.

       (6) The Bracelets are the lines running across the wrist, close to where it joins the palm.

      ABILITY.—A small cross is shown where the Life line finishes.

      ABILITY, LACK OF.—A short Head line, terminating in the center of the palm, with the Mounts of Saturn and Apollo almost non-existing.

      ACTIVE PERSON.—A rough, firm palm and an indistinct Heart line.

      AFFECTIONATE PERSON.—A clear Heart line and a very plump Mount of Apollo.

      AMBITIOUS PERSON.—A short line traced from the Life line to the Mount of Jupiter, existing on both hands.

      AMIABLE PERSON.—The Mounts of Jupiter and Mercury are very plump on both palms.

      AMOROUS PERSON.—A hand deeply furrowed, somewhat silky in texture and the Heart line well developed.

      ANGER.—The thumb has short phalanges, especially the first phalange; finger-nails square and reddish at the base.

      ARTISTIC TEMPERAMENT.—A line running directly from the Head line to the third finger, and fingers long and tapering.

      AUDACIOUS PERSON.—The Mount of Mercury and the two Mounts of Mars very clearly in evidence.

      AVARICIOUS.—The Head line extends across the palm, from end to end, and is straight. At its end, it forms a small triangle.

      BILIOUS TEMPERAMENT.—The Health line wriggles its way along the palm, while the hand is damp and clammy.

      BRAVE PERSON.—Straight fingers and both the Mounts of Mars are well defined. Few hair lines cut across these mounts.

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